Projects & Skills
We specialise in communicating your brand or business.
Below are some of the skills on our list.
We The Souk
For the past 8 years, Syria suffered from a devastating conflict which brought the souk to the verge of collapse. Many workshops are closed and some of the ancient crafts have disappeared. With your support we can enable the masters of these craft traditions to sustain their livelihood, preserve centuries of know-how and shift the focus forward to training up the next generation of artisans.
Ante-Agency was challenged to bring the traditional sense of a Souk (Market), to a modern Swiss design and launch the online market place, this project is ongoing and we support initiatives striving to keep culture and tradition alive, but also helping the artisans compete in a modern world.
To view to full site visit :
and support the cause here:

Shout Out! – Sumaia Youssef & Zouher Adwan
We Really enjoyed working and learning about We The Souk, and we greatly admire what Sumaia and Zouher are working towards, celebrating Syrian culture and keeping ancient traditions alive.
Thank you for your trust while working on, We look forward to expanding and growing with you, and being a support every step of the way.
See you soon.
your team
Crowther Lab
We aim to find scientific solutions to climate change and biodiversity loss, By generating quantitative models of the Earth’s ecology, our research has revealed that it is possible to offset climate change by restoring plants and soils across the globe. Now, our research aims to generate the ecological mapping tools to guide global restoration efforts. These maps can show where we should focus restoration efforts to have the greatest impacts on carbon capture or biodiversity.
It also helps us to understand the climate consequences of these actions. This global ecological research is necessary for us to understand and address climate change.
Crowther Lab has been incredibly brave in exploring modern UI design with the goal to appeal to a broader audience, but maintaining an approach to fit the wide range of users specific focus.
It is important to us that we created a user experience that encompasses not only scientists that look specifically at research, but also an average user who is on the site to learn and understand what the Lab is about, we developed 3 different profiles to fully explore the user journey through the site.
To view to full site visit :
For more project details : /crowther

Shout Out! – Thomas Elliott & Patricia Schmidt
We have greatly appreciated working with Patricia Schmidt & at Crowther Lab | ETH Zurich, She is a reliable and committed individual who is never too busy to have a quick call to clear things up at any point in a project. Patricia is friendly and always willing to help. She has proven to be quick to absorb new ideas and to quickly get familiar with new technologies and workflows.
Also Highly Appreciated is Thomas Elliott, who’s management and project insight & knowledge was invaluable, also we appreciate your creative bravery and trust to help us establish the aesthetic and user experience of the Crowther Lab.
We look forward to working with you again very soon
your team
Climathon Global Awards
The Climathon Global Awards is a celebration of transformative solutions tackling climate change on a local level. Since 2016, Climathon’s citizen-led movement grew to events held in 100+ cities across 50+ countries. It’s time to bring this community together.
Cities and citizens are both key to transforming our cities for the better. This event brings both to the stage with a Citizens Award and a City Award. Winners receive recognition and prize money to make a real dent in our road to a decarbonised society.
Ante-Agency was challenged to develop the application process, of all the citizens and cities, brining their world changing ideas to change cities, change the growing climate problem, and ultimately make the world a better place.
To view to full site visit :

Shout Out! – Piotr Drozd
Here at ANTE, we pride ourselves in being relationship orientated. We love people and we love collaborating. We want our focus to be on the relationships we form doing work we love.
We Really appreciated working with Piotr on this project, He is a genuine awesome person, with amazing organisational skills and and overall knowledge of user orientated goals. When it comes to designing a user focused cms site, its important to know what your users want and where to send them, Pitor understands this and made the process something special.
Another shout out to the whole team at crowtherlab, your enthusiasm and input was vital to bringing the site to fruition.
We look forward to working with you very soon
your team